UIDAI Certificate Details

Aadhaar authentication requires the identity data of the resident within the XML (PID block) to be encrypted. AES-256 session key is encrypted using UIDAI's 2048- public key. This page contains all certificates available for the ecosystem.

Sample Java application (both binary and source code zip files) to test Aadhaar authentication can be downloaded from here.

Production Public Key Certificates

Note: Latest production public key certificate (for PID Encryption) will always be available under link: https://uidai.gov.in/images/authDoc/uidai_auth_prod.cer

UIDAI Digital Signature

For validating & signature in the UIDAI response xml , you are requested to make use of the signature public key attached below. (Not required if you are not validating signatures in API responses or using the trust root validation for validating the UIDAI response xml signature)

Offline e-KYC public key certificates

Please find the Public key certificate details for Validating the digital signature of Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC and Secure QR Code.

Paperless Offline e-KYC

Secure QR Code

Staging/Testing Public Key Certificates

Note: Latest staging/testing public key certificate will always be available under link https://uidai.gov.in/images/uidai_auth_stage.cer

PreProduction Signature/Encryption Public Key Certificates

Please find the keys below for validating the Digital Signature of UIDAI response XML, and encrypting the PID block of request XML in PreProduction Environment.